About Journal

The attempt to publish this magazine began with the preparation of a comprehensive concept paper submitted by the Guidance and Training Sector to the agency's leadership in 1993. The paper included objectives, a proposed regulatory framework, rules and conditions for publication, and various models related to the works and procedures for dealing with materials submitted for publication and other detailed aspects. The first issue of the magazine appeared in September 1994. The primary goal of the magazine was to encourage the exchange of agricultural research findings and information related to modern agricultural technologies, motivate Yemeni agricultural researchers to showcase and develop their scientific and intellectual output, facilitate the exchange of ideas, opinions, and experiences, and serve as a link between researchers, scientists, and agricultural authors from different regions of the country and various scientific disciplines. Ultimately, the magazine aimed to enhance agricultural scientific research programs and activities and provide them with feedback that could serve as a basis for development. It is also important to acknowledge that there are other beneficiaries of the magazine, whether they are contributing authors or readers from the scientific community beyond the scope of agricultural research, especially scientists and researchers in academic fields, agricultural education institutions, and others interested in agricultural development and scientific matters.

Although the publication of the magazine faced obstacles in some stages, it resumed publication in 2000 on a regular basis with one issue per year. Then, it stabilized at approximately two issues per year. The magazine continues to appear in its new format, with ongoing and evident development that is not hidden from the discerning reader. In this context, this paper provides a quick overview of the main features of the magazine since its first issue in September 1994 until the seventh issue in October 2002. It aims to highlight the most important directions of the published materials, especially in terms of content and scientific disciplines that those materials focused on, as well as the contributing authors. It is worth mentioning that a detailed analytical study of the issues published by the magazine is currently being prepared and written, which is expected to be completed in the near future.