Rules and instructions for publishing in the magazine


1) The journal publishes scientific articles, research papers and new studies that have not been previously published and have not been presented in other journals or publications.
2) The researcher sends a request to publish his article in the journal and undertakes to sign the acknowledgment and undertaking form.
3) Articles are sent printed in one original and three copies, so that the article does not exceed 5000 words. When printing manuscripts, it is taken into account not to crowd the lines, so a “space and a half” should be left between the printing lines in a manner that allows the inclusion of the reviewers’ notes. As for the final manuscript that includes the amendments, two copies are sent attached with a CD ( CD) or by e-mail. The editorial management of the journal will issue a notice of receipt and date of publishing the final revised article after completing the necessary procedures.
4) The journal publishes manuscripts written in the Arabic language, which include two summaries, one of them
in Arabic and the other in English.
5) The journal publishes the scientific production of researchers, scientists and workers in various agricultural sciences
And related sciences and various forms of publication such as articles, papers, research reports and studies
As well as summaries of books, studies and current briefings (research news before the completion of the research
or experience). Priority is given to those related to the issues and concerns of the agricultural sector in Yemen and the related development sectors.
6) Priority for publication in the journal is given to articles and studies that have been specially prepared for the journal based on a special invitation from its editorial board, in certain cases and according to the requirements of necessity.
7) The manuscript must be characterized by brevity, clarity, scientific accuracy, adherence to punctuation marks and recommended rules for publication, in a way that guarantees the upgrading of what is published in the journal to the level of Arab and international scientific research journals.
8) Manuscripts received for publication in the journal are subject to review and arbitration to determine their suitability for publication, and the author / writer of each manuscript is notified of the result within 2-3 months of being notified of receiving his manuscript.
9) The manuscript submitted to the journal is considered a right to it and is not returned to its owners, whether it was published in the journal or not.
10) The contents of papers, articles and research reports are arranged according to the following sequence: title page, abstract (in the language of the article), introduction, research materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions, conclusion, word of thanks and appreciation - if necessary -, references, summary in English.
11) The manuscript begins with a separate page for its title, which is printed in the upper third of the page and shows the name of the author(s) below the title, so that the name/names are stripped of academic degrees, titles and positions enjoyed by their owners, as written in the lower part of the page itself as a title
Author(s) including telephone, fax, and post. The name of the author(s) is not written on the following pages.
12) It is preferable for the writer or author to install the keywords before the abstract with a separate line or more, and they are arranged in alphabetical order (a, b, c, …) with a range of 4-6 words to facilitate the classification and indexing of the research or study.
Example: Article title: (The relationship of planting dates with productivity, quality and worm infestation
Potato tubers in Wadi Hadramout).
Keywords: (productivity, potato, quality, hadramout, tuber worm,
planting dates).
13) Manuscripts, studies, articles, abstracts, and brief and short research are excluded.
(2-3 pages) from the previous tab (described in point No. 10). However, it is required that it be accompanied by two abstracts, one in Arabic and the other in English, if the number of pages exceeds three.
14) The title should be short and preferably between 7-12 words.
15) The abstract should be short and include the most important contents of the manuscript and the important results of the work, with no more than 150 words in Arabic and 200 words in English, with only one paragraph.
16) Tables and Figures Each of the tables and figures are given sequential numbers that show their sequence, along with mentioning their locations within the text. He also gives each of them a title indicating briefly their content. The title is placed above the table and below the figure. It also prints each table, figure, drawing, or image in a separate file inside the CD, provided that the size of the table, figure, or drawing does not exceed one page. The data presented in tables should not be presented again in the form of figures and graphics, and such data should not be repeated at length in the body of the manuscript to avoid repetition, and only the most important values ​​are discussed.
17) scientific names and terms; The scientific names mentioned in the title or within the text are written in italics. When the plant is relatively unknown, the name of the family to which it belongs is mentioned in parentheses. When mentioning the rest of the name, the scientific (Latin) name must be placed in parentheses, and the names of pesticides are mentioned by their common, not commercial names. It is also preferable to use Arabic words and terminology when there is an appropriate word for the context, or the one closest to the intended meaning or thing is used, with the word or term as it is in the foreign language.
18) References. References are mentioned in the language of publication and in the alphabetical sequence of the author's surname or patronymic.
The first, provided that all the mentioned references have been referred to in the text and in the appropriate places
In brackets containing the family name or title of the author with the year of publication of the reference, and when there are more than one
A reference to the same author that is differentiated by the year of publication, and if there is more than one reference issued to the same
The author in the same year is distinguished using the letters of the alphabet (a, b, c) for example: (Al-Mouallem, 1998a) and (Al-Mouallem, 1998b).But if the reference used is in a language other than Arabic, it is included within the text in the same way
The reference language, for example, (Chambers, 1996). References that have more than one author start with writing a title
The first author, then his first name (and the second, if any), followed by the first name of the second author, then the surname.
For example: Muharram, Ismail Abdullah and Khalil Mansour Al-Sharjabi (1995). Extension, training and agricultural information
In Yemen: an overview of the establishment, development and future directions. Public Research Authority
and agricultural extension. Dhamar - Yemen. Pg. 141.

In the text, reference is made to the previous reference as follows: (Muharram and Al-Sharjabi, 1995). But if there are three or more authors, they are referred to within the text as follows: (Mahfouz et al., 2000). With the necessity of writing all the names of the authors of the reference in the list of references.
The title of the reference (after the name of the author(s) and the year of publication) is written in bold letters to distinguish it and as shown in the example above.
Foreign references are written in the same context mentioned above and in the same language as the reference, and reference is made within the text to the reference prepared by more than two authors in this manner (Shepherd et al, 1998).

It is also recommended that the numbers of the publications that are issued in the form of a series should be fixed, as well as the page numbers used as reference material, noting that the use of page heels (its predecessor parts and footnotes) should be avoided to mention references, except in very necessary cases. References are listed according to the alphabetical sequence, so that the family name or title of the author is written first, then the letter or letters indicating his name or the rest of the full name, followed by the year of publication, the title of the reference, then the volume, then the number of pages.

How to write references can be illustrated through the following examples:

1) The book:
Matar, Abdullah (1983). Soil basics. Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria, pp. 54-63.
2) Journal Research:
Hassan, Abdul Rahman Abu Bakr (1991). The relationship of planting dates with productivity, quality and tuber worm infestation of potato crop in Wadi Hadramout. In: Yemeni Agricultural Journal (3): 6-19.
3) Chapters of books:
Nasser, Mahmoud (1985). Agricultural production in the Arab world. In: (The Future of the Arab Economy).
pp. 32-54. Dar Al-Nasr, Amman - Jordan.

4) Bulletins:
Muharram, Ismail (1998). The most important insects affecting corn crop in Yemen. (Technical bulletin). General Authority for Agricultural Research and Extension, Dhamar - Yemen.
5) The International Network (Internet):
FAO. (1996). Land and Water Development.{www.}. (June 5, 2000)

The last date refers to the day the reference was read or downloaded from the network.