This trial was carried out for three seasons: 1989/90, 90/91 and 91/92 at the experimental farm of Al-kod Research Station. The well Irrigation was three times before sowing (like flood Irrigation system). The design was “Complete Randomized Blocks” (7 Replicates x 3 Treatments). The treatments were three machines as follows: - Fertilizer and seed planter MF 401. - Seed planter MF 39. - Tine tiller MF38 with seed-pipes. The average of machines productivity was 1.68, 1.6 and 1.4 Fed/h. There was LSD between the three treatments on the level of 5% but there was no LSD between the seeds that used during the three treatments. The economic evaluation shows that the lowest cost of sowing operation was for the fertilizer and seed planter MF 401. To conclude, the fertilizer and seed planter MF 401 is the best machine for sowing the Middle Stapel Cotton.
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