Although Mango crop (Magnifera indica) was introduced in Yemen, it is now becoming one of the main income generating agricultural crop. Moreover, mango trees has great nutritional importance for man, as it contains several nutritious compound and vitamins. The continuous demand of consumers for mango, compels farmers and investors to pay attention to the crop, especially in delta Abyan. This study was carried out in three new Mango farms, located in delta Abyan. These farms were seriously effected by branches wilt caused by a fungi known as Botryodiplodia theobromae. The study evaluated five systemic fungicide against the disease. Results showed that only two fungicides found successful in controlling disease, namely; Bavistin (50%) and mancobber-z plus (50%), with infection reduction at the rate of 32 and 44% for both fungicides respectively as compared to control infection rate of 89%.
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