A field experiment was carried out to evaluated the productivity potential of four finger millet cultivars (Eleusine coracana) (Ezzan-Shabwa, Mqatera-2, Maqatera-877 and Hadramout) under conditions of the Yemeni Central Highland using the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), with three replications at three locations (experimental farm, Jahran, and Doran A'anis) during Summer season (2010) under rainfed conditions. Results indicated that Ezzan-Shabwa cultivar has significantly varied with rest finger millet cultivars in the number of tillers/plant (6.45 tiller). Cultivars have varied significantly in number of days to 50% flowering, and number of days to completely maturity. Maqatera-877 and Maqatera-2 scored the least in both traits over other cultivars at three locations. Whereas, Hadhramout cultivar was superior and significantly varied in plant height (86.25 cm), spike length (9.17 cm), number of fingers/ear (9.13) and Grain Yield (3.4 t/h) over other cultivars. It was followed by Azzan-Shabwa (3.2 t/h). Results also indicated that there were significant differences in the cultivars x Locations interaction for all studied traits.
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