The study was carried out in Papaya groves in (Delta Abyan and Delta Tuban) of Yemen, during the period from 7/12/2004 until 3/6/2005. Results of the rapid rural appraisal showed that wood lice (Porcellio yemenensis) is a major pest on papaya trees since early nineties of past century. Its main harm is represented by its attack on trees after 6 months of planting at crown area and up to mid-stem, and its ability to infect fruits completed maturity in both locations (Delta Abyan and Delta Tuban) with average of 4.98 and 4.85 respectively of total responding farmers. Results showed that the number of wood lice increases after irrigation at averages of 4.95 and 4.85 in Delta Abyan and Delta Tuban respectively. Majority of farmers in the Delta Abyan (averaged 4.87) resorted to the use of poison baits consisting of wheat bran with Carbaryl (Sevien 85%) insecticide prose around trees more than three times a season. While in Delta Tuban, farmers used Carbaryl (Sevien 85%) insecticide only without wheat bran to control wood lice for more than three times per season. Results have also shown that wood lice was more widespread and led to fall of papaya trees in southern region of Abyan Delta, while its presence was limited in North Delta Abyan. Similarly, it was found more prevalent in southern as compared to northern Delta Tuban.
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