A first applied work on marine fish aquaculture was carried out in Syrian coast during the period: February 2003 – April 2004. Rearing of fish fry (Liza aurata, Sparus auratus) from an initial size of 1-2 g to market size were carried on in this study. The Sea bream ( Sparus auratus) fry were imported from Tuzla farm in Turkey and the Gold Mullet ( liza aurata ) fry were collected from the Mediterranean sea shore from the brackish water (Sokas river estuary), fish fry were stocked into test ponds and acclimated to costal pond water and fed with diet ( 40% crude protein ) and ratio of feeding was equal in all ponds. Once each fifteen days, fish weight was measured. Mean body weight (W), specific growth rate (SGR), daily growth rate (DGR), weight gain (WG), survival rate (S), food conversion ratio (FCR) of both species were calculated at the end of each sample period of the experiment and at the end of the experiment. The highest weight obtained from liza aurata (226.84 ± 5.24). the values of growth parameters DGR, WG, S, FCR in the Gold Mullet were higher than that in sea bream and were significant statistically P<0.05, the values of SGR in the Gold Mullet were higher than that in the Sea bream but were insignificant statistically P>0.05. The result showed that superiority of Gold Mullet in growth parameters but both species are candidate for culture in costal ponds.
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