Mohsen A.Rehman Bazara
Receive Date : 2000-05-06 Accept Date : 2000-09-09

Punica protopunica Balf f., is the only wild Punica still surviving in Socotra Island naturally. International organizations, such as IUCN Accertained that such species is subjected to severe over exploitation by man and animals. This situation resulted to absence of natural regeneration. In 1998 and 1990 an international and national team had paid two visits to Sococtra Island. They found that Punica is growing at different sites such as: Maqadrion pass (550mal), upland of Wadi Ayahaft at (550mal), Hajhar highland at (500mal), but no natural regeneration recorded. For this reason it was necessary to find proper method of ex-situ conservation for Punica. Seeds of wild Punica collected from a number of sites in Socotra Island in 1989. They were sown in seed bed containing of light silty sand soil in 21st of March 1989. Germination appears in the first week and completed by the next week. When seedlings attained 4-5 leaves, they were transplanted to black polythelene bags filled with a mixture of soil sand and manure at the ratio of 3:2:1 respectively. When seedlings reaches to 25cm. height, they were planted in the filed in achannal running East-West to ease irrigation. First flowering were recorded in May 1992 (3rd plant), then in November (5th plant) December 92 (4th Plant). In February 1993 flowers appears on two plants (3rd,4th Plants). In February 1994, five plants had flowered (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th) but they differ in density. First fruiting recorded in April 1994 but they were smaller in size than original. Second lowering in April 95. Number of fruits varies but one plant gave (30 fruits). Morphology of plants differ, four distinct outer appearance were recorded. Difference in height occurs, ranging from 110- 250cm, and s. d., reach to 51. 6cm., Crown spread range from 100- 380cm. Seeds collected from El kod stand had given excellent germination 90%. This means that punica can thrive well under coastal condition. Thus ex- situ conservation acheived.

Key Words :Ex-situ conservation, Punica, Socotra .

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