Fourth Issue


Mohamed Hizam Almashreki
Receive Date : 2001-03-08 Accept Date : 2001-07-05

Based on this study, it was concluded that the highest yield of potato (40 ton/ha) can be obtained, if temperature of the last 60 days of the growing season falls between 16 and 20 oC. Low minimum (night) temperatures are required for the initiation of tuber formation. Potato is a very frost sensitive crop. Slight frost will damage the leaves and result in a reduced yield. The amount of damage depends on the timing within the growing season. If frost occurs at a time when tubers have been (partly) formed at the end of the growing season, then the damage will be limited. High relative humidity can cause infestation of phytophtora infestants; a fungus which causes leave damage, preventive spraying is necessary to avoid crop damage. The minimum soil depth of 50 cm is considered optimal for commercial production. Potato is rated as a moderately sensitive crop to soil salinity. The yield can be reduced upto 50 %, if the average siol salinity in the rooting zone is between 5 and 8 mS/ cm. Sandy clay loam texture is the aproperiate soil texture with satisfied management level. The presence of rock fragments in the soil hinders the formation of the tubers and decreases the amont of available nutrients and the available water holding capacity. However, the yield reduction can be reached at 50 %, if the presence of rock fragments in the soil are between 40 and 80 %. An excess of calcium carbonate in the soil interfers with the uptake of other essential elements - both macro and micro-elements - and limit the yield potential. The yield can be reduced upto 50 %, if the calcium carbonate content in the soil is between 20 and 40 %.

Key Words :Climat, Crop requirements, Potato, Soil, Water

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