This experiment was conducted during the period from 7.7.2007 to 7.10.2007 in a private farm of the breeder A. Ba-Hashwan with the aim of identifying best blend diet available locally that might achieve the better growth levels of local goat Thamoud, with minimum cost. It included 20 (male kids) aged 3 – 4 months with an average weight of 11.26 kilogram. The diet has been prepared based on two parts: 1) fodder (alfalfa, and straw sorghum) and concentrated treatments: T1 ( Wheat Bran 82.3%, Sesame oil Meal or cake 17.7%); T2 ( Sesame oil Meal or cake 50%, and Residual Dates 50%), T3 (Wheat Bran 89.8%, and Fish meal 10.2%), and the C (control treatment, without concentrated diet). Using concentrated diet have shown significant impact (P<0.05) on growth average of animals. Treatment T1 and T2 have revealed significant success over all the other treatments. Treatment T2 has revealed an average growth of 77gm/animal/day against 76.3gm/animal/day realized by treatment T1. The treatment T1 has shown superiority in terms of income return of fattening due to the lower total cost of food for each kilogram of weight growth with an average of 52 Yemeni Rials.
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