Micro-propagation Production of Potato Plantlets Using Tissue Culture Techniques

Ali Mahmoud Alabsy, Radia Kasem Saed, Taha Mokred Saed

This research was conducted in the laboratory of Sana’a university, faculty of agriculture during 2006/2007. It aims to assess the response of commercial potato varieties for multiplication using in vitro culture, and to select the suitable protocol for potato micro propagation in short time and at low cost. It included two stages: in the first, the effect of varieties was investigated (Diamant, Picasso, Fabula and Baraka), production of plantlets in MS solid media and in liquid media. After 5 weeks of planting, Fabula variety gave highest number of nodes while Baraka variety gave the least value. The sprout propagation method was the best and gave highest number of branches and plant height. The cytokinine BA was suitable for plantlets production and gave highest number of leafs, number of nodes and plant height. In second stage, plantlets propagated in first stage were used to study effect of variety and cytokinins. Plantlets multiplication (without cytokinine) gave highest number of leafs and plant height. Media containing BA gave highest number of branches. The treatments of varieties with cytokinine showed significant difference of Diamant in number of leaves and branches. The study proved the possibility of producing and propagating potato plantlets of investigated varieties using tissue culture technologies.

Key Words :Plantlets, Potato, Propagation, Tissue Culture, Varieties, Yemen

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