Effect of Crude Extracts of Five Aloe sp. Growing Naturally in Mount Somarah on Candida albicans in Vitro

Adel Q. Aleryani, Salah M. Al-Bader, Abdul Haleem S. Al-Tamimi

Five species of Aloe plant naturally growing on Somarah mountain of Ibb Governorate, Yemen, were collected (Aloe castellorum, A. yemenica, A.vera, A.vacillans and A.rubroviolacea). The crude leaves extracts were collected using universal tubes, and that their activities against Candida albicans were examined. On yeast peptone agar medium, a disc diffusion method was followed to estimate the inhibition zones. Also the turbidity measurement and cell calculation methods were used to show the affectivity of plant sap on yeast growth. Results of ANOVA test (0.05) showed that all crude extracts have been effecting on the Candida albicans growth, and that significant differences were observed as compared with the control treatment. A. vera and A. rubroviolacea have also shown higher insignificant effect than A. yemenica and A. vacillans. Extract of A. castellorum was significantly lower than extract of other species.

Key Words :Aloe, Candida albicans, Crude Extracts, Effect

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