The Present Status of Honeybee Breeding in Abyan Delta

Bilail M. S. Kamander

A primarily survey was conducted during 2013 to investigate the present status of honeybee breeding in Abyan Delta. The study sample consisted of 440 beekeepers in the upper, middle and lower parts of the delta. Results showed that they have 74850 beehives. Percentages of beekeepers who practice beekeeping as a main job are 68, 85 and 78%, while those who practice it as a secondary job are 22, 15 and 32% in upper, middle and lower Delta respectively. Beekeeping for them aims at producing honey and selling beehives. Nomadic beekeepers were estimated at 85, 73 and 78% in upper, middle and lower parts of the Delta respectively. 55, 57, and 61% of beekeepers reported that pastures are sufficient. Some beekeepers use sugar solutions to feed their beehives. Regarding pesticide spraying, 80, 90 and 75% of beekeepers say that they are informed by farmers before pesticide spraying. The study concluded with some recommendations for future action.

Key Words :Abyan Delta, Bee, Honey, Pasture

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