Some Characteristics of the Activities of the National Agricultural Training Center (NATC) During the period 1989-2013

Khalil M. Alsharjabi, Ali Ismail Hael, Qaid Yahya Salah

The study aimed to analyze some characteristics of the training activities organized by NATC such as number and type of activities; number of participants. It followed the descriptive approach relying on records and other documents for collecting data of 25 years (1989-2013). Compiled data was analyzed using simple statistics (frequencies, percentages and means). NATC organized 597 activities with an annual average of 24. The number of participants reached 19955, with an annual average of about 800. The higher number of activities and participants were realized in 2010 but declined in 2013 significantly. Women presence reached its peak in 2010 and 2012 with a total participation percentage of about 44.5%. PhD and MSc. degree holders-participants were the least attended (7%), while BSc. holders achieved higher and regular presence (22%). The proportion of lower-education participants remained limited or even absent up to 1998, but increased starting 2007, and reached a peak in 2010 and 2012 (about 71%). Training courses represented most of NATC activities (87%), while seminars, meetings and workshops represented (13%). The disciplines of "soil and water/natural resources" ranked first (29%), followed by "extension, communication and marketing" (about 21%) and "general mixed topics" (about 18%) in the second and third ranks.

Key Words :Agriculture, NATC, Training, Characteristics, Yemen

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