Quantitative and Descriptive Analysis of Food Security in Yemen ( An Analytical Study of Economic Geography )

Mohammed H. Al-ammari

This study examines increasing food deficit, consumption gap and import values since 1980s up to end of first decade of 21st century especially cereals which represents one-third of population food. It becomes a serious food security problem for most Yemeni population, through the status and potentials of available farming resources of food production, cropping pattern components, high population growth compared to agricultural production and the high decrease of natural and human resources development. This is despite that about 54% of total labor force are working in agriculture (about 4,350,000 inhabitants), and its being an economic income for about 55% of the total population (22,200.000 inhabitants). Contrarily, the value of food and agricultural exports is lowering to less than 9 and 2% of values of gross agricultural trade and Yemeni food trade exports (about 875 million US$) for the period from 2006-2010. There should be an objective solutions to food security problem through setting up a comprehensive economic policy represented by: investment in, and improvement of, available resources; enhancing role of agriculture in realizing food security and self-sufficiency, creating farming environment of economic feasibility like growing fruits, cash and food crops of competitive sufficiency, marketing of local surplus production, rising value of external trade balance, and limiting national currency deterioration against foreign currencies as its retreat increases prices of imported food commodities and lowers purchasing power of consumers.

Key Words :Analysis, Food Security, Quantitative analysis, Yemen

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