Fifth Issue

Economics of Maize Production and factors that Affect its Productivity in The Northern Upland Region

Ali Abd ul mageed Al- sururi

The results of study reveal that prod uctivity, revenue; cost of production and net revenue of maize in improved variety (Taiz 2) was higher by 123%, 78% and 709%respectivily than local variety. This due to increase its productivity with decreass the cost of tan prod uction. Multiple regression _ analysis by double logarithm for all samples of farmers was used to estimate the effect of some factors on maize production. It was found that some variables have positive effects. These variables were verities, labors, supplementary irrigation, manure fertilizer, urea fertilizer, previous crops, animal's labor and mechanical labor. The estimation of total productivity elasticity wasl.478 that reflect relationship of increasing returns to scale.

Key Words :Economics, Productivity, Maize

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