A study was conducted during two consciences seasons, 1987/ 88 and 1988/89 to assess the nature of and fruiting growth through measuring the morphological characteristics and yield performance of the strain KB - 138 md the variety K4 of the long - staple cotton ( Gossypium barbadense L.) grown Wldcr spate and simulated spate irrigation system in farmers fields and in the Experimental fann , El - Kod Agricultural Research Centre , respectively. The results llave indicated that height of first sympodiwn, cnwnbcr of n<Xb to first sympodium, number of monopodia , nmnbcr of bolls on the lower eight sympodia , and shedding percentage were not affected neither by the additional inigation, nor by the climatic factors predominant during the two seasons of study. These morphological characteristicswere considered as criteria for selection in the basic population of the strain KB - 138. However, plant height ( PH ), height of cotyledons above soil · level , nonbeer of sympodia , length of vertical and horizontal internodes, and number of shedded bolls,were . affected
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