Second Issue


Khairi. M. Al Abyadh and Abdul Rub. Abdul Wahab

The study was conducted to determine the quantity of agricultural Inputs. estimate the cost of inputs, andto know the net benefit of wheat crop per hectar. More over the study aimed to identifying wheat production problems encomrtered by the fi:amers in Mareb Region. A questionnasire ' was designed and used to gather the needed infonnati.on from the wheat producing fanners . Data collection was started in feb. 1993,during the harvesting time. A sample of 24 fanners was randomly selected from different districts, namely, Alhosoon, Gabool and Elasbraf. The major findings of this study show!,d that wheat production required about 31% of the total expenses for labour . Similarly the cost of Jand preparation reached 24. 6% of the total costs of wheat per hectar, while iuigation was folDldto be at 18. 5% only. The economic ana1ysjs of wheat varieties showed that Mukhtar ·variety_ was f01D1d to be the most profitable to fanners. The net benefit of this Variety was 13517Yemeni Rials/ha . How ever the analysis of. land size ( 1- 2 hectars ) was-more profittble to the other land- size categories. , The mean of the net return for this category was folDld at about 12245 YR.Iba. Inaccordance to the problems identified the study also affered . several iecommendations to overcome the" problems of wheat producing firmers.

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