An experiment was conducted at poultry farm of Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine Faculty – Ibb University to study the effect of intermittent night lightening on some economic traits of table egg chickens as : 1. Average of egg production. 2. Average of feed consumption and feed conversion ratio. A total of 488 egg layers were used in the experiment for 5 weeks period of study were at 38 weeks of age. The hens were divided to 4 groups in 4 houses as treatments and were put under different light regimes as following : 1- Treatment one as control – was put under natural daylight . 2- Treatment two – was put under natural day light + 2 hours intermittent night lightening. 3- Treatment three – was put under natural daylight + 4 hours intermittent night lightening. 4- Treatment four –was put under natural daylight + 6 hours intermittent night lightening. An amount of feed offered was between 100 gms/hen/day to 110 gms/hen/day, but at one week, feed consumption was conducted . It was 109.25 gms, 114.75 gms, 101 gms and 101.37 gms for the four treatments consequently. Feed conversion ratios were 1.8:1, 1.9:1, 1.7:1 and 1.7:1 for the four treatments consequently. Over all results stated that intermittent lightening regime had highly significant effect (p < 0.01) on average egg production per hen.
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