This study aimed at characterizing available environmental resources in Al-Mahra Governorate and establishing database in support of land use and planning. The study describes various aspects of physiography, geology, climate, and soil and land classification of the study area. It includes identification of dominant soil types in each land units based on their physical and chemical properties, land use pattern and land cover under the present condition. Result of study showed that Al-Mahra Governorate is characterized by a limited environmental resources, which is largely influenced by climate and topographic features. It is situated between coastal plain, mountainous upland and desert with a total area of about 68,860 Km2 (6,886,000 ha). The result also showed that arable land covers an area of about 1,442,446 ha (21% of total area). The current cultivated land occupies only 14.519 ha distributed throughout the Governorate. The non-arable land occupies large part of the area (79% of the total area), which includes mountains, hills, plateaus, dissected wadis and desert. In addition, the Hofe forest occupies an area of about 16000 ha with a dense of unique natural vegetation.
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