Agricultural research is aiming to generate technologies that increase crop productivity and farmer income. In the past, implementation of research activities was restricted on research farm. Mechanism of evaluating technology under farmer conditions was not taking place. Convincing partners, mainly farmers, of the new technology was difficult and took long period and steps. Research and extension linkage was weak or almost lacking. this also made the technology development and dissemination much slower. Rapid Impact Program (RIP), as one of AREA tools following the farming system approaches, played an important role in strengthening on-farm research and extension research linkage. The mechanism of RIP stressed on participation of extension and farmers as partners in planning, implementation and evaluation of new farm technology. The output of RIP can be categorized into “research management” and “Technical results”. The research management output was concerned with submission of research and extension proposals according to formal form of scientific proposal and strengthening role of Stations/ Centers set up in Multi-Disciplinary Research and Extension Team......
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