Experiment was conducted to control bee-wolf by application of traditional practices, easy to use and not harmful on human, animal or environment, during the seasons 1997/98 and 1998/99 at Kubath and Jawala areas, Abyan Governorate. During the season 1997/98, three tests were conducted and involved two factors: time in three periods and control. In the first test, the control factor involved two methods: ordinary rope painted with adhesive material located at the entrance of beehive and plastic containers containing water. No significant differences were found between the three factors for time and the two methods of control. The rope with adhesive material was effective in trapping the bee-wolf during the different periods and differed significantly at p≥0.01. In the second test, the control treatment included a stable and movable rope both painted with adhesive material. Result showed significant differences at p≥0.01 for time factor particularly the period from 11-12 a.m. that is considered the pest period. Method of control with movable rope was effective and differed significantly at p≥0.01. In the third test, the variation in color was applied and used three pots (yellow, blue and white colors). Results indicate the effectiveness of blue color in trapping high quantity of bee-wolf and differed significantly at p≥0.01. During the season 1998/1999, the colored rope (yellow, blue and green) were introduced and painted with adhesive material. The yellow rope was more effective in trapping larger number of bee-wolf and differed significantly at p≥0.05.
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