This study aimed to analyze the social and economic factors affecting adoption of full recommended technologies for improving wheat crop such as seed rate, time of planting, irrigation rate, phosphate fertilizer, azotic fertilizer, weed control and mechanical harvesting using combiner. Secondary and primary data were used in this study. Primary data was collected using prepared questionnaire on 90 randomly selected farmers on 2005-2006 agricultural season. With respect to adoption of recommended technologies, it was found that full adoption was found with 15% and separate recommended technologies rate of adoption was, 41%, 39%, 38%, 34%, 23%, 26%, 26% for irrigation rate, time of planting seed rate, weed control, phosphate fertilizer, using improved varieties, mechanical harvest and azotic fertilizer respectively. This study also, revealed that the most economic and social factors that affecting adoption are farmer education level, farmers age, number of household working in agriculture, number of household members, extension visits and crop planting area. The research aimed at studying the social and economic factors affecting the adoption of improved techniques for the wheat crop, the technological techniques used in this study included the full agricultural technological package, improved varieties, seed rate, timing of planting, irrigation rates, phosphate fertilizing, azotic fertilizing, weeds control, and mechanical harvesting using combine harvester. The study used secondary and primary data collection where a survey methodology was applied through a questionnaire. Required data was collected through individual interview from randomly selected respondents (90 farmers)in the 2005/2006 agriculture season. With respect to the effect of the economic and social factors One adopting the improved technologies in important crops’ plantation in Wadi Hadramout; where it has been noticed that the rate of adopting the full technological package for wheat crop has reached about 15%; while this rate reached, in case of each component of the technological package solely about 41%, 39%, 38%, 34%, 23%, 26%, 26% and 21% respectively for the irrigation rates, timing of plantation, seeds rate, weeds control, phosphate fertilizing, improved variety's, automatic harvest and azotic fertilizers. Also the study has revealed that the most important economic and social factors affecting adoption of the improved technology on the educational level, the farmer’s age, number of the household working in cultivation, number of
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