This investigation was carried out in the experimental farm of Nasser’s Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Lahej Governorate, on Guava trees (cv. Serdar) during 2006 & 2007 seasons, to determine maturity marks and study fruit storability. It included a field experiment (three similar vigor trees of cultivar Serdar were grown at 5×5m) and a storage experiment (two storage temperature regimes: 10◦ C and 27◦ C±2◦ C "room temperature"). The fruits reached the size and color of cultivar Serdar after 128-135 days from full flowering. Diameter and length have significantly increased giving higher values at fruit maturity in both seasons. Fruit juice contents of total soluble solids (T.S.S.%) and ascorbic acid (vit. C) have significantly increased with time till reached fruit maturity. Contrarily, fruit total acidity content has significantly decreased. Weight loss (%) of fruits stored at room temperature have increased as compared with that stored at 10◦ C. Total acidity and ascorbic acid (vit. C) contents have decreased with time under storage of both temperatures. Fruits of cultivar Serdar could be picked after 128-135 days from full flowering, and safely stored without shriveling, with minimum effect on fruit quality, at 27◦ C±2◦ C and 72-82% humidity, at room temperature for up to five days, or at 10◦ C for up three weeks.
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