Twenty-sixth Issue

Animal Drawn Ridger Design

Mohamed Salem Baheidra

This experiment was conducted during two seasons (2003-2005) at farmers’ field in Eastern Coastal, Northern and Central Highlands Regions. It aimed to develop a local implement for animal-drawn furrowing operation, using the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The developed ridger's model was prepared at local workshop and had been named (model: AREA/205E.C. /MUK). Results of study showed that the implement was introduced in coasts ad highlands regions. The width of furrow ranged between 33-45 cm and its depth reached about 8.5-24 cm at farmers’ field in Eastern Coastal areas. But, in Highlands both values reached 44-56 cm, and 13-20 cm for width and, depth respectively. The speeds of animals ranged between 2,5-3 km/hour. The implement could be drawn by either one and/or a pair of animals. The output of ridger implement was 550-600 m by hour. The implement performance scored about 1.9 hectares/day (six - eight hours). In general, it realized a good achievement and high efficiency. The ridger could suit areas where soil conditions allow movement of soil at both sides.

Key Words :Animals, Coastal, Depth, Highland, Ridger, Width, Yemen

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