Twenty-sixth Issue

Fungal Diseases of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Wadi Hadhramout, Yemen

Salim Mohamed Assaggaf

A survey of fungal diseases which effect date palm trees, in different villages distributed along the Wadi Hadhramout, revealed that diseases are most prevalent in the south- eastern areas of the Hadhramout Wadi. Trees in these areas were grown on the banks or closed to the running water streams. The recorded diseases were leaf spots caused by different fungi such as: (Cladosporium herbarm, Alternaria spp.), fruit rots caused by ( Aspergillus phoenicis, Alternaria spp. , Helminthosporium sp.), Black scorch (Thielaviopsis paradoxa), Diplodia disease (Diplodia phoenicum), Root rot (Fusarium spp.) A survey of fungal diseases which effect date palm trees, in different villages distributed along the Wadi Hadhramout, revealed that diseases are most prevalent in the south- eastern areas of the Hadhramout Wadi. Trees in these areas were grown on the banks or closed to the running water streams. The recorded diseases were leaf spots caused by different fungi such as: (Cladosporium herbarm, Alternaria spp.), fruit rots caused by ( Aspergillus phoenicis, Alternaria spp. , Helminthosporium sp.), Black scorch (Thielaviopsis paradoxa), Diplodia disease (Diplodia phoenicum), Root rot (Fusarium spp.) and Graphiola leaf spot (Graphiola phoenicis). All diseases were studied using routine and isolation methods.

Key Words :Date Palm, Fungal Diseases, Wadi Hadhramout. Yemen

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