Twenty-sixth Issue

Effect of Chopping on Consumption and Average Feed Taste Of Maize Residues In the Yemeni Central Highlands

Abdullah Muharram, M. M. Daws, Amin Al-Kirshi, Abdulraqip Al-Shami, Yahya Haidar

This Study was carried out on two types of maize stems residues (chopped and un-chopped) in three different sites (Dhamar Research Station, Aldhieq and Rusabh) under farmer's control during winter seasons (2003, 2004 & 2005), to identify effect of chopping on feed consumption and taste average of maize residues. Chopped maize feed was found superior in consumption (73.3%) over that achieved by un-chopped treatment (56.5%) with a difference of 16.84%, when comparing both residues and sites treatments. Interaction between both treatments and years showed also superiority of chopped maize in consumption (70.80%) with a positive difference (19.2%) over the non-chopped treatment (51.58%). The percentage of the taste of maize residues chopped and non-chopped feed reached 71.4%, and 49.4% respectively when provided to sheep with a difference of (22%) in favor of chopped treatment. The chopped treatment realized a taste percentage of 73.5% as compared to un-chopped (57.0%), in treatments-sites interaction with 16.5% difference in favor of chopped treatment. Percentage of residues did not exceed 27.5% in treatments–sites for chopped and 42.4% for non-chopped treatment with 15% difference. Percentage of waste portion was lower n the chopped as compared to non-chopped treatments. In the treatments–years interaction, left residues ration was 29.5% in chopped as compared to non-chopped treatment (46.1%); i.e. remaining feed waste had dropped at 16.6% over that occurred in the non-chopped treatment.

Key Words :Effect, Chopping residues, Feeding source, Mazie, Tasting, Consumption

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