Peach cultivation in Yemen has been expanding which exerted the need for introducing new high quality and highly productive cultivars. Therefore, 12 cultivars were introduced from Mexico and planted in Al -irra research farm in the beginning of 2005. The experimental design used was RCBD with three replications and one tree plot. The were significant differences in cultivars circumferences that ranges from 24.7 to 30.7 cm, and the cumulative fruit yields ( which was between 4.6 to 60.3). The Tss% had also ranged from 8 - 17.8%. The cultivars had varied in flowering for 10 days and maturity period ranged between early May to mid June. Susceptibility to shot hole and powdery mildew diseases was also variable. In addition, fruits of the cultivars were of different skin and flesh colors, different shapes and stone freeness and various levels of tastes.
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