Twenty-fifth Issue

The Effect of Vital Gluten added to Different Extraction Rates on Farinographic Characteristics & Organoleptic attributes of Pan Bread

Mohamed S. Al-Mussali, Hanan Yeslem Sahran

Different levels of vital gluten (0%, 1%, 2% & 3%) were added to different extraction rates (70%, 75%, 80%, 85% & 90%) to identify rheological properties using the Farinograph, Baking tests were conducted to determine the organoleptic characteristics and to find out effect of these factors on the quality of pan bread. Short Straight Dough Method was used for bread making. Used were CRD with two factors, and Genestat – 5 statistical program, with LSD test at 5% level of significance for treatments' means comparison. Values of rehological properties for different wheat flours' extraction rates were in reverse of properties' normal values in relation to white wheat flours' extraction rate, except water absorption value that increased with extraction rate increase. Addition of vital wheat gluten returned back normal values of properties. The det. of reheological properties by Fariongraph Inst. give only an indications of flour quality. So, baking test is important later to define proper quality of wheat flour. Organoloptic properties of pan bread of 70%, 75% & 80% extraction rates flours, were characterized with high quality and non-significance differences between their values. But, they differed significantly from mean value of sensory properties of bread produced from higher extraction rates ( 85% & 90%).

Key Words :Vital gluten, Extraction Rates, Farinagrophic cha., Organoleptic Attributes, Pan Bread

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