Twenty-fourth Issue

Application of Some Natural Plants for the Control of Varroa ( Varroa destructor) on Honey Bee

Bilail M. Saeed kamander, Salem M. fadhel

This study was conducted at El – kod Agricultural Research Station ( honey bee unit), Abyan province, Yemen during two successive seasons ( 2008/09 and 2009/10). It aimed at assessing the efficiency of some natural plants, named green pepper seeds (Capiscum anunum), leaves of mint ( Menta piperita), Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Pulicari crispa in addition to the untreated ( control). These materials were grinded and applied as smokes at the rate of 5 gm/each, at interval of 3 days. It was repeated 14 times. Results of first season indicated that mortality rate of Varroa population was high in treatments of pepper seeds and grinded mint leaves with averages of 63.19 and 62.80 failing individuals respectively. Significant differences were observed between these two treatments and the grinded Pulicari crispa leaves as well as the untreated control. The grinded Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves ranked third with mortality rate estimated at 48.55 failing individuals. While Pulicari crispa grinded leaves was low in efficiency ( 28.76 failing individuals), followed by the untreated control ( 11.43 failing individuals). In the second season, the grinded pepper seeds and mint were superior, with averages estimated at ( 52.47 and 52.50 failing individuals of dead Varroa respectively), followed by leaves Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Pulicari crispa respectively and lastly the untreated (control).

Key Words :Varroa, Plants Extracts, Honeybee, Control

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