To study the effect of the ploughing on yield of millet a trial was carried out for two seasons 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 at the experimental farm of El-Kod Research Station, in the complete randomized blocks design with 5 blocks and 4 treatments as following: 1)Moldboard plough 2)Disk plough 3)Chisel plough 4)Zero ploughing (without ploughing). After ploughing of the trial's soil with above ploughs due to the treatments and left the 4th treatment without ploughing, the trial was irrigated 4 times (like flood Irrigation system) before sowing the trial area with millet crop. The disc plough gave high yield average the moldboard was the next then the chisel plough and the least yield was given by the treatment without ploughing. There were no significant differences at 5% level between the three ploughs, but there were significant differences between the moldboard and disc ploughs from one hand and the treatment without ploughing in the other hand. The economic evaluation of the treatments which studied showed that the disc plough gave highest income 28% of yield the second was the moldboard plough with 24% then the chisel plough with 8% comparing with the treatment without ploughing. The results above mean that the ploughing by using disc and moldboard ploughs increases the yield of millet and improves the farmer's income.
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