Fifteenth Issue

Evaluation of local land Races of Tomato Crop lJycoprsiconesculentumMill l inWadiHadraout

AbduRahman Abubakr Hassan Abdulla Awaed AI-Amaray

The study was carried out at Sowairy Experimental Farm of Seiyun Agricultural Research . Station to evaluate 25-land races of Tomato crop, which were collected from different locations of Wadi Hadramout during January - April 2003. Seed of different lines and genotypes were transplanted in rows in Oct. 28 , 2004. Data on morphological, phenological and fruit juice characters were recorded. Results indicated that Tomato germplasms in Hadramout could be classified into three distinct groups in relation to their growth nature and fruit characteristics. These were : 1) 19 lines of indeterminate growth, round and soft fruit prevailing in AI-Qatten, Sah and Seiyun Districts, 2) 5 lines of indeterminate growth, oblate and soft fruit mainly collected in Sah, Tarim and Seiyun Distrits and 3) one line of determinate growth, round and with hard fruit gathered in Seiyun district. Results of study also showed variation between land races in some other characters and suggested the need to preserve their seeds at the Plant Genetic Resources Center at AREA HQ for future studies and utilization for Tomato genetic enhancement.

Key Words :Collection & Evaluation. local land Races, Tomato

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