Fourteenth Issue

Phvsiochemical Characteristics of Starch 01some Wheat varieties

Jalal A. Fadle, Farouk F.Al-nori, So'ud R.AI-Ani

Large and small starch granules, solubility, swelling ability, water absorption of starch extracted from some Iraqi varieties of wheat and the amounts of apparent amylase were evaluated . Results indicated significant differences among wheat varieties in small starch granules. Variety "Tammoz-3" wheat flour had scored the highest number o granules as compared to "Mexipak" wheat variety. The amylase content was inversely correlated with numbers of small granules of starch. There were significant differences in swelling ability of starch granules at 90c0 . "Tammoz-3" wheat starch had the highest value as compared to "Abo-Ghoreb" variety. Solubility of starch granules was found higher in "Abo-Ghoreb" wheat flour . Amylase and water absorption have significa ntly differred among studied varieties of wheat flour. A positive correlation Between results of physicochemical characteristics of starch and baking process as well as sensory evaluat ion of bread was also found .

Key Words :Wheat, starch, physical and chemical properties

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