The study aimed to investigate possibilities of increasing nutritional value of bread by replacing AI-Sanabel and "AREA - 15" wheat flours with wheat bran. It also studied proper replacement percentage of wheat bran for both flours to produce pan bread with high food value and acceptable to consumer . Different replacements percentages were investigated (0, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15%) in two separate studies. Short-straight dough method was used for baking tests of both flours. A loaf volume was determined by rapeseed displacement. Results were statistically analyzed using CRD design. Revised LSD (0.05) was used for means comparison . Organoleptic test was conducted and nutritional components (protein, ash and fiber) were determined for loaves of all treatments. Results concluded that 5% - 7.5% of AI-Sanabel flour and 12.5- 15% of "AREA-15 " flour could be replaced by wheat bran to get acceptable pan bread characterized with good quality and acceptable by consumers .
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