Seventeenth Issue

Adoption of Inbreeding Methodfor Developing a New Yellow Onion Genotype inYemen

Ali M. Abdulhafiz, Abdurrahman A. AI-Amdi, Abdurrahman .A. Hassan

An Onion breeding program was conducted at Sieyun Agricultural Research Station (SARC) during 89/1998 Seasons to improve a new yellow Onion genotype for local consumption particularly in Northern Governorates of Yemen and for export. Inbreeding method followed by bulking was used to purify the land-race red Onion variety named (Baftaim). Six seasons of selection programs resulted in developing a new yellow Onion genotype characterized with high yield; approximately free from doubling , splitting and premature bolting; uniformity in shape, color and size, and in addition long life storage. The new genotype was named (Improved yellow Baftaim). Four seasons were spent to evaluating yield , quality and storage capabilities with on-station and on­ farm trials. Results obtained revealed that improved yellow Onion genotype is better than local Baftaim in marketable bulb yield at about 32.7-52.45% and approximately free from doubling , splitting and premature bolting (1%). Improved yellow Onion genoty°pe has realized longer life in storage (6-7 months) as compared to land race Baftaim (4-5 months) . Although in some seasons , Early Texas Yellow Grano Onion variety revealed higher yield than improved genotype , it is considered inferior in storage ability (< 1 month) and has high doubling (23%), non-uniformity in shape and size, late maturity and failure in seeds production under local condition.

Key Words :venow RahaimVarietv. Onion. inbreeding method, Yemen

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