Twenty-third Issue

Evaluation and Selection of Some Introduced Forage Lines of Common Vetch for Yemeni Northern Highlands

Naji M,. Zaid, Abdulmalek Moharrem, Said Al-Bakri, Talal Al-Osali, Said Murched
Receive Date : 2009-06-06 Accept Date : 2010-04-14

Vicia Sp. included several economically useful food and forage Legume Crops. Among these crops is the Vicia sativa ( Common vetch). The present study was carried out to evaluate fifteen Lines of Vicia sativa for adaptability and forage production, under the conditions of the Northern Highlands Agricultural Research Station, Al–Erra, Sana'a, for three seasons (2006-2008). Parameters studied included: Days to 50% flowering, plant height, days to maturity, Seed yield, Forage production, Biological yield, Harvest index, and Crude protein. Differences among selection lines were highly significant for all studied traits, whereas the lines Sel-2003 and Sel2556 gave the highest green weight an dry matter. Results also revealed that all Vicia sativa selected lines have produced higher crude protein (21.2- 24.3%) more than alfalfa check which gave the lowest crude protein ( 19.9%).

Key Words :Evaluation, Selection, Common Vetch, Green Forage, Crude Protein, Northern Highlands, Yemen

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