Yemen imports a huge quantity of wheat grains that reached 1.125.648 tons and 368.360 tons of wheat flour in the yea r 2000. The loca l prod uction of wheat in the same yea r was 141.884 tons forming 8.6% of self-sufficiency. Many countries in the world faced with the same problem, resorted to composite flour tech nology by using their indigenous crops - other than wheat - as a partial solution. This study used local sorghum flour for partial substation of wheat flour with the same technology. It is hoped that results of study would contribute to reducing imports of wheat grains and flour as well as to increasing nutritive va lue of such prod ucts. Three kinds of flou rs were used; the imported ones (ALKHBAZ), (ALSANABLE) prod uced locally, and flour from a promising wheat va rieties (AREA-15) locally cultivated. The replacements of wheat flours with sorghum flour ranged from 0- 30%. "Short-straight Dough method" was used for the baking test. Specific loaf volumes were evaluated and organseptic tests were also conducted. The results were statistically analyzed .
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