Date fruits (Thaal cultiva r) at rutab stage were treated with sodium benzoate and stored in refrigerator at (- 5°C) and (75%) relative humidity to extend their shelf-life during cold storage. The experiment consisted of four treatments which replicated six times in a randomized complete design. The main treatments undertaken were : fruits washed with water for compa rison (control), and other three treatments that includes "fruits dipped i n sodiu m benzoate solution at (0.05%) concentration" for 1, 2 and 3 minutes respectively . The fruit dried, placed in perforate carton sacs and stored in the refrigerator at (- 5°C) and R. H. (75%). Samples of fruits were analysed and evaluated for physica l, organolyptic and chemica l characteristics before storage and du ring storage at one month interval to determine their suitability for storage. The findings of study indicates that trea tments were accepta ble in keeping quality (colou r, taste, flavour and appea ra nce) du ring cold storage. The 4th treatment showed lower deterioration percentage than others. In spite of loss in fruit moistu re, the fruits were characterized with accepta ble constituent (T. acidity, PH , T. S. S, R. Sugar and T. Sugar). At the end of storage period there were significant differences (p < 0.05) between treatments in some qua lity aspects. The control treatment wat found better tha n other treatments in keeping quality during four months of cold storage
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