This study was fulfilled using twelve animals (six cows and six bulls (Holstein), the weight of which ranged between 350-600 kg. From each animal, six samples of adipose tissue were obtained from different sites of the animals' bodies and transfer red to the laboratory in different conditions. The study aimed at measu ring enzymatic activity of NADPH2-, as well as estimating their contents of lipid (%) and protein compounds. The results showed that enzymatic activity had significantly declined du ring transport and homogenization at body temperatu re and significa ntly increased by cooling. In conclusion, the study indicated that percentage of total lipid was higher in samples obtained from areas surrounding the kidneys and reticulum. But it has dropped to the lowest level in samples obtained from adipose tissue surrounding the eyeball. Tissue samples obtained from sites such as around the eyeball, hea rt, and kidneys showed high protei n concentration as compa red with tissue samples taken from other areas. However, in some samples, it was observed that any increase of lipid compounds (%) has correlated with an increase in enzymatic activity.
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