An experiment was cond ucted to evaluate the performance of Single Comb White leghorn (SCWI) laying hens fed balanced diets in which Sodium Chloride (NaCl) was used in different high levels. Mash diets were formulated to contain five high levels of NaCl ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4%) added to complete diets. Egg prod uction, daily feed consum ption, feed conversion, change in body weight, egg content weights and internal egg quality measu red as averages for the experiment three periods were not adversely influenced by any level of NaCl. Both eggshell quality, measu red as an average specific gravity (S.G.) for whole the experiment three periods, and average egg weights for the experiment last period decreased significantly (P<0.05) with the highest level of NaCl. It would appear from the results obtained in this trial that NaCl at levels up to 3% of laying hen balanced diets might not cause any detrimen tal effect, provided that drinking water is available for birds on continuous basis......
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