Ninth Issue


Abdullah M. Muharrum , Mohmmed N. Al-saady , Mosaad Naji Issa, Amin AL-Kirshi

Integrated Production and Protection Management (IPPM) in greenhouses is considered as a comprehensive method and agricultural practices that can be used for preventing pest infection incidence on cucumber, in order to increase productivity. The study was guided with the objective of reducing the use of chemical pesticides during the growing period and reserving the enviromment and human health, through the application of “IPPM” package. This study has been conducted at the Central Highlands Research Station Experimental Farm, Dhamar in 1999 summer season in two greenhouses with an area of 493 m2 one of which used as a control. To confirm the results obtained, the experiment was conducted as an on-fam trial in 2001 summer season in two other greenhouses one of which also as a control (Farmer's Management, with an area of 340 m2/greenhouse). The main results indicated that the number of sprays in IPPM greenhouse for controlling Downy mildew were reduced to 3 sprays/season with the percentage of 50% as compared to control. Using of proof net in IPPM reduced the number of sprays with insect pesticides up to 4.5 sprays/2 season with the average of 2 sprays/season. Using of Methyl bromide for soil strilization in control house minimized the Root Nematode infection. This lead to increase productivity with at the rate of 46.7% as compared to IPPM. Although there was a reduction of yield in IPPM during 2001 season, the net return income was higher with percentage of 139.1% as compared to control greenhouse (77.6 %), due to the increase of controlling cost in the latter. Considering results of this study, using of Integrated Production and Protection in greenhouses is recommended.

Key Words :Management, Pest, Diseases, Cucumber, Return income, Greenhouses

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