The impact of differences in temperature and rainfall on the productivity of sorghum at Ibb government

Mohammed Saleh Saad Al-rakhami, Ahmed Mohammad Gaid, Iskandar Thabit al- Hammadi

This study was carried out at three regions representing three environmental ranges, Wade Maitam, Sahban village and Al-Sharaf village. Sorghum variety, quarterly red, was planted, according to farmer practice, in three replications. Rainfall data was recorded at Sahban and Al-Sharaf and full environmental data was recorded in Wade Maitam. Results showed highly significant differences in main traits; plant height, weight of 1000 seeds and yield. Sorghum variety produce average yield of 7.1 T/ha with increase of 42% higher than other sites, followed by Al-Sharaf village with 30.8% and 27.2% for Sabhan. A significant difference was found in straw production where Wade Maitam produce average straw yield 41.0 T/ha with 41% of increase, followed by Sahaban with 34.6% and Al-Sharaf with 24.8%. It was found a highly positive correlation between the traits of plant height, weight of 1000 seeds and seeds and straw Yield. Also, highly correlation between temperature degrees and plant height, weight of 1000 seeds and straw yield, while negative correlation with seed yield. That could be related to the small different in the temperature average between the three sites. Positive correlation was found between amount of rainfall received and all the studied traits.

Key Words :temperature, rainfall, sorghum, productivity

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