Wheat Yield Gap Analysis and How to Minimize It in Republic of Yemen

Murshed Gaber Ahmed Ali Al-Daabosh

The aim of the current study was to determine the wheat yield gap development, area and crop production from 1992 to 2012 in Republic of Yemen. The planted regions of wheat crop were also studied. Field surveys along with previous studies were analyzed. The results of these analyses indicated that in 2012, the wheat gap reached to 92% as per total consumption. Hence, the self-sufficiency was only 8% in the same year. The yield per hectare was the highest in Hadramout, Mareb and Aljouf Governorates and the annual yields were 3530, 2641 and 2355 kg/hectare for these governorates, respectively. It was found also that 49% of the production in the country was based on raining. Thus, it is recommended that the fund to be allocated for dam construction and irrigation. In addition, such fund should be utilized in extension activities, seed production and research activities.

Key Words :Area, Gap, Production, Wheat

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