The study has shown the organ relationship between fruit trees and environment al factors, the interchangeable effects with each other .Said factors have been divided into three: factors of the human factors, factors related to living organisms and non living things. The study in addition shows the human factors role in developing fruit tress throughout land reform together with building the terraces and the water canalization besides cloning countless sorts of fruits. At the same time the study reveals the indirect effects resulted by human factors which became negatively reflecting on fruit tress such depleting the underground water besides the wrong over dose of the plant coverage. Nonetheless the study has shown the positively and negatively natured of the livings organisms effects on fruit trees a thing which really involves working necessity for strengthening the useful effectiveness' at cost of the harmful effects of theses creatures. the study on the other hand has offers the living creatures role such as water, heat and light besides wind with the ground factors in effecting fruit trees which is regarded as the most important whereas its life is fully depending on non living things factors as a whole. The study finally suggests that when thinking about designing fruiting parks and gardens there should be a full consideration for taking the environmental factors because they do really control the success of planting and cultivating of the fruit tress agriculture.
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