This study was carried out during the period October - December 2003 in the Northren Highlands region (AI-Mahweet Governorate) in two difference locations: AI-Taweela village and AI-Mahweet village. It aimed to determine percentage of harvesting and threshing losses of three crops (Sorghum, Maize and Wheat) and to identify causes of losses. Results showed that harvesting losses of Sorghum crop were 5.5% and 10.1% during threshing in both villages. For Maize crop, threshing losses was 12.2% in both villages. For wheat crop, harvesting loss and threshing loss were 7.7% and 11.1% respectively. On the other hand, results showed that cost-estimate of grain losses for Sorghum , Maize and Wheat reached 43 ,760,000, 4,840,000 YR and 4,270 ,000 YR respectively.
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