The study was conducted in the experimental farm of the Livestock Research Center in Lahj during two seasons (2005/2006) using six weeks old (in summer) and eight weeks old rabbits (in winter) for four weeks in each season. The first treatment was a "control" involving two groups of 12 rabbits each (males and females) (24 rabbits) fed with rough forages (B. N. hybrid (Bajra + Napier grass hybrid) and sorghum forage (1:1) and concentrated stuffs (wheat bran with salt and minerals (0.5%) in summer and winter. The second treatment (experimental) contained 24 rabbits (two groups of 12 rabbits "males and females") fed with free feed (optional), and depe.nded on kitchen and vegetables waste-products. The second treatment was found superior in body weights increase (7.2-11.4%) in summer and (9%) in winter and also in net return (9.7-12.2% and 13.3-16.3%) for summer and winter respectively. If kitchen and vegetables waste-products are available in large quantity; with good taste and at low cost, breeders could depend on them in feeding rabbits without negative effects on production performance (weight).
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