Despite the problem and socio-economic importance of the post harvest wastage of vegetable and fruit crops, it is still understudied. Crop loss occurs at various stages starting from farmer's field, transportation, storage, packing, trading in wholesale and retail markets and handling at homes. This holds true especially in vegetable and fruit crops for being more susceptible and perishable crops. Results of study confirmed that the rate of wastage of onions and banana crops reached 42.9% and 45.3% respectively. The resulting annual economic losses sustained by society when estimated on bases of total production of crops in Yemen totaled nearly four and three billions Yemeni Rials for Onion and Bananas respectively. While similar loss realized in central wholesale markets only was estimated at about 242, 254, 170, 182, 107 and 19 million Rials for Potatoes, Tomatoes , Onions, Bananas, Mango and Grapes respectively in a year. This demonstrates the scale of losses suffered by national economy by loss of investigated crops only lets alone other crops and locations as well as the costs borne by consumers paying for wastage price and other indirect costs inflicting producers of commodities .
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