This study evaluated impact of different sources of water and their mixtures on soil properties, heavy metal pollution of soil and growth of Sorghum. Analyses of 3 types of water showed that toxic metal contents in treated wastewater were above permitted level indicated in Yemeni, American and FAO standards . Wastewate r had higher Na, Cu and Zn concentrations than allowable maximum soil pollution and plant toxicity ranges. Tap water had shown negative effects on most properties of soil causing reduction of both fresh and dry weights of sorghum . Irrigation with only ablution or treated wastewater had resulted in more negative effects on most properties of soil as compared to tap water such as soil higher salinity , CaC03, and higher levels of toxic Na. Heavy metal concentrates significantly reduced fresh weight of Sorghum in treated wastewater irrigation as compared to irrigation water of other sources. Mixing water of different sources realized significant increase in both dry and fresh weight.
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