The study aimed at measuring opinions about supportive ways for enhancing prospective coordination linkage between farm research and extension agencies in Yemen from the viewpoint of R-E specialists. It also aimed to identify correlation between specialists' personal and professional characteristics and their opinions. It was conducted in five Yemeni provinces having both research and extension services, The study sample included 118 specialists (30% of total). The questionnaire method was used to collect required data. A special scale was developed to measure prospective linkage with a likert- type continuum. Results showed that about two – thirds (66.01%) of extension agents respondents have negative evaluation of R-E linkage as compared to their fellow researchers (44.1%). Majority (80.04%) of respondents have agreed to scales' statements. A statistically significant difference of mean values was observed in three, out of the 11, scales' statements. A significant positive relationship between educational qualifications and their opinion about prospective linkage in extensionist's sub-sample. For researcher's sub-sample, gender has positively, and social status negatively, correlated with their opinion. For whole sample, only social status has shown a significant negative correlation with respondent's opinion on R-E linkage. The study recommended that agencies concerned should consider such results for future improvement of relationship between both services.
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